Frank Hidenobu Miwa (Poston 19-3-A) was born on December 16, 1922 in San Juan Bautista, California to immigrant parents, Nobukichi and Tama Miwa.  He spent his early childhood in San Juan Bautista and Hollister. With the outbreak of World War II, Frank  was evacuated with his parents and siblings, Masaru Harry, and Yoshiko Mae to the Salinas Assembly Center.  After a few months, the family was relocated to the Poston, Arizona concentration camp 1 on July 1, 1942.
     Frank left Poston on September 8, 1945 and went to Los Angeles. Yoshiko left a few days later on September 16, 1945 and went to St Paul, Minnesota.  His parents left a few days after Yoshiko and returned to San Juan Bautista. Harry was the last in the family to leave Poston, and he went to Chicago on September 26, 1945.
      Frank Miwa, a resident of Sacramento, died on December 24, 2008 at the age of 86.

Source: Sacramento Bee, January 22, 2009