The following names are those who:
1. had been incarcerated at Poston
2. had family members incarcerated at Poston, or
3. visited Poston during their furlough
1. had been incarcerated at Poston
2. had family members incarcerated at Poston, or
3. visited Poston during their furlough
MIS=Military Intelligence Service
442nd RCT 442nd Regimental Combat Team
522nd FA Bn =522nd Field Artillary Battalion
Please notify me of any corrections by using the "comment" section. Thank you.
ABE, George Jiro. (37-4-C) Pfc. 442nd 3rd Bn Co. K.
ABE, Hideo L. (visited block 216) T/5. From Fort Snelling
Abe, James Paul. (family in block 37) S/Sgt. 100th Bn HQ Co.
ABE, James S. (block 37) Sgt. went to Camp Shelby.
ABE, Masao. (visited Yukie Abe 14-2-D) T/5. MIS, 81st Infantry Div. language team, 323rd Regiment, Palau Island. Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Letter of Commendation Award.
ABE, Masaru. (318-6-B) T/Sgt. 100th Bn Co. A. Bronze Star
ABE, Oliver Saburo. (visited block 37) S/Sgt. 100th Bn Co. A. Distinguished Unit Badge, Combat Infantry Badge. From Seal Beach.
ABE, Toshio William. (visited block 330) T/5. MIS. Delhi, Burma.
ABE, Yasuo. (220-9-D) Pvt. from Fort Douglas
AIHARA, Ben. (213-6-C) Pfc. 442nd 2nd Bn Co. E
AIHARA, George Teitaro. (213-6-C) went to Camp Wheeler, Georgia. Expert Infantryman Badge
AIHARA, Louis. (visited block 21) Cpl. from Camp Robinson
AKAHORI, Yoneo Bob. (222-3-A) MIS
AKAHOSHI, John Masami. (block 42) Pfc. 442nd 2nd Battalion HQ Co.
AKAMATSU, Isamu Eddie. (2-4-B) Pvt. 442nd 2nd Battalion HQ Co.
AKIYAMA, Hideo.(16-2-B) Pfc. 100th Bn Co. C. Combat Infantryman Badge, Purple Heart. Died of wounds 10 Jul 1944 in Italy.
AKIYAMA, Teruo. (36-11-A) MIS
AMANO, Frank Kazuo. (6-11-A) MIS.
ANDO, Joseph F. (block 14) Sgt. 100th Bn Co.A. Distinguished Unit Badge, Combat Infantry Badge
ANZAI, Allen Toshio. (326-4-C) S/Sgt. 442nd 3rd Bn Co. M
AOCHI, Tom Sadayoshi. (4-11-A) Pfc. 442nd 3rd Bn Co. M
ARITA, Harry S. (visited block 14) MIS, from Fort Snelling
ARITOMI, Ted Itetsu. (block 317) S/Sgt. MIS, Zebra Platoon
ARIYASU, George Joji. (15-10-A) S/Sgt. MIS. Zebra Platoon.
ASAKAWA, George. S/Sgt. (block 330) from Camp Shelby
ASADA. Toru (216-13-G) went to Fort Blanding.
ASANO, Esao I. (#18783A) HQ Co. MIS Language School.
ASANO, Yasuo Charles. (block 15) S/Sgt. 100th Battalion Co.B. Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge. From AZ.
ASE, Kiyoshi Luther. (block 39) MIS. from Imperial Co.
AZUMA, George Yoji. (329-1-B) Tec/5. MIS
Azuma, Takeo (329-1-B) went to Fort Douglas from Chula Vista
CHIKAHISA, James Satoshi. (60-5-D) MIS. HQ Co. Language School
CHISAKI, Shunichi "Jake" (60-10-A) MIS
DOI, Bill Makoto. ( 213-13-H) Pvt. 442nd 2nd Bn Co. H
DOI, Frank Takeshi. (6-5-B) Pfc. 442nd 3rd Bn Co. M
DOI, Thomas. Pfc. 442nd Co E. Arrived from Ft Leonardwood for father's funeral. 213-13-H.
EGUCHI, Bunkichi Bun. (308-9-D) Pfc. 442nd 2nd Bn Co. G
ENDO, Fujio W. Pvt. 100th Bn Co. A. Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge. Visitor
ENDO, Hiroo Harry. ( 221-8-C) Pfc. 442nd 2nd Bn Co. G, Service Co. KIA 08 Apr 1945 in Italy.
ENDO, John Kazuo. (block 215) Tec/4. 442nd 3rd Bn Co.K
ENDO, Masami. S/Sgt. 442nd Service Co. Combat Infantry Badge, MIS. Visitor
ENDO, Susumu Sim. (215-8-CD) MIS.
ENDO, Takeo. (220-1-C) 4/1945-active duty overseas
ENO, Takao. (42-5-A) MIS. Radio Section
ENO, Takeru. (42-5-A) Sgt. 442nd Co. M
ETO, George. T/Sgt. 442nd 206 Band. Visited Block 32
ETO, Mitsugu. (209-5-CD) S/Sgt 100th Bn Co. B. Combat Infantry Badge
ETO, Wataru. (209-5-CD) Pfc. 442nd 3rd Bn Co. I
ETOW, Toshiko Nancy. (216-5-B) Women's Army Corps
EZAKI, Takashi. (12-8-D) Pfc. 442nd 2nd Bn HQ