SHIBA, WILLIAM "BILL" (1921-2012)

Bill Shiba
William "Bill" Shiba was born on December 13, 1921 in Cutler, California. He was the the oldest of six children born to Japanese immigrants, Kichisaburo and Toshiye Shiba.  As a young man, Bill worked on the family farm.
     After the signing of Executive Order 9066, Bill and the Shiba family were relocated to the Poston, Arizona concentration camp, block 309 on August 5, 1942. While in camp, Bill was the softball team coach for block 309 girls and he established a friendship with Marie Haruko Kawamura (Poston 309-10-C) formerly of Orosi. 
     Bill and his brother, Bob left Poston and worked in agriculture outside of camp at Longmont, Colorado and left Poston on March 25, 1943.   His father, Kichisaburo left Poston and obtained employment in Denver in August 1943.  His mother, Toshiye, and sisters Miyako, Amy Midori, Keiko and Haruko left Poston on February 6, 1944 and joined their family in Denver.
      Marie Kawamura and sister, Kiyoko Lois, left Poston, Arizona  on November 14, 1944 and went to Chicago for employment.  Bill married Marie in Chicago on January 29, 1946, and soon after they were married, Bill was drafted by the US Army.  He served honorably in the 82nd Field Artillery Battalion. Upon his discharge from the military, Bill and Marie settled in Cutler and raised their four children in the same area where he grew up. He farmed, and raised his family tending orchards and fields. 
Bill and Marie enjoyed 64 happy years together.
      Bill Shiba died on July 4, 2012.His wife, Marie predeceased him in September, 2009
      He is survived by his children, Patricia (David) Kiefer of Manhattan Beach, Martin (Diana)Shiba of Oakland, Kris Shiba of Clovis, and Virginia (Chris) Young of Dinuba;  his brother, Bob Shiba of Fresno; sisters, Mickey Tsujihara of Petaluma, Amy Kiritani of Fresno, Keiko Tai of Honolulu, Hawaii and Rose (Herb) Abe of Orosi.

Source: Fresno Bee on July 15, 2012