YOSHIDA, Rae Hideko (Okamoto) (1934-1994)

Rae Hideko Okamoto, 1956
     Rae Hideko Okamoto was born on April 23, 1934, in Watsonville, California to Shigeto George and Chiyoko Rose Okamoto.  She and her parents were evacuated to the Salinas Assembly Center, and relocated on July 4, 1942 to the Poston, Arizona internment camp I.  Her family left Poston on February 26, 1943 and resettled in Detroit, Michigan. She lived at the Mosher dormitory, and  graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1956 and earned a B.S degree in Nursing.

Rae married John Yoshida, and they lived in the Antelope Valley.  Rae rose through the ranks of Antelope Valley College to become the school's Vice President of Academic Affairs.  She volunteered assisting the ill and elderly in the Antelope Valley.  She died on December 7, 1994 at the age of 60.  She is survived by her husband of 28 years, John Yoshida.

Source: http://articles.latimes.com/1994-12-10/local/me-7158_1_antelope-valley-college